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M&M's Minis Milk Chocolate Mega Christmas Tube, 1.77 oz
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M&M's Minis Milk Chocolate Mega Christmas Tube, 1.77 oz

Product ID: 485081503
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M&M'S MINIS Milk Chocolate Holiday Tubes are big on festive and delicious chocolate candy fun. These M&M'S MINIS mega tubes are all dressed up for Christmas and perfect for sharing! Each tube is filled with miniature M&M'S Milk Chocolate candies and perfectly sized for sharing with all your friends and family. M&M’S MINIS Size Milk Chocolate candy is made with the classic combination of creamy milk chocolate and a crunchy, colorful candy shell — just made in even cuter proportions. This tube is filled with festive colorful red and green bite-sized chocolate candy. Enjoy a timeless holiday candy treat that's made with real milk chocolate and fills your candy dish with seasonal flair. These holiday goodies are the perfect spark of inspiration to make your recipes unbeatable, your decorations delightful, and your party memorable. Resealable tubes make them the perfect holiday candy treat to enjoy over and over again. Craft a festive surprise for friends or coworkers by filling holiday candy gift bags with M&M'S MINIS Milk Chocolate candy. M&M'S MINIS Milk Chocolate Holiday Tubes are guaranteed to bring magical fun to Christmas morning stockings. Celebrate big this holiday season with M&M'S MINIS Milk Chocolate Holiday Tubes. Contains one (1) 1.77-ounce tube of M&M'S Minis Milk Chocolate Christmas candy Mega tubes filled with bite-sized Minis milk chocolate candies are perfect stocking stuffers Resealable tubes of M&M'S chocolate candy are perfect for enjoying over and over again, until they disappear! Festive Holiday packaging makes these M&M'S MINIS Candy Tubes perfect for decorating and sharing with friends Craft Christmas candy gift bags filled with M&M'S MINIS Candy Tubes

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Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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