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Honeywell 10000 Lumen Wired Outdoor Security LED Barn Light
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Honeywell 10000 Lumen Wired Outdoor Security LED Barn Light

Product ID: 460405270
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The Honeywell 10000 Lumen Outdoor Security LED Barn Light is a simple and energy efficient solution to adding security around your home. It’s an excellent addition for garages, backyards, patios and any other outdoor areas that need lighting in dark areas. The integrated LED design saves you from having to replace the bulbs. The Honeywell 10000 Lumen Outdoor Security LED Barn Light is both UL and energy star certified. The outdoor LED light is durably constructed out of aluminum, and comes with an integrated dusk to dawn photocell that activates at dusk and deactivates at dawn. This convenient feature provides with cost and energy savings and you do not have to remember to turn it off or on each day. Anywhere you need security lighting, all night long- this light delivers. Choose a brand that you can trust. Enjoy this utility light that allows you to have bright illumination for any activity you are doing, whether it is construction or artistic based. 10000 lumens Die cast aluminum construction Plastic light shade  Dusk to dawn sensor Energy and cost efficient Mounting hardware included Weather resistant Indoor or outdoor use

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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