AquaScreen Rapid Coliform Bacteria Test Kit |2-Pack| - for Pool Water and Spa Water - Easy Test Strips Detect Coliform and Non-Coliform Bacteria Including E.Coli, Salmonella, and More.
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AquaScreen Rapid Coliform Bacteria Test Kit |2-Pack| - for Pool Water and Spa Water - Easy Test Strips Detect Coliform and Non-Coliform Bacteria Including E.Coli, Salmonella, and More.

Product ID: 349619751
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AquaScreen - Water Bacteria Test Kit - 10-Pack of Tests for Home Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, Jacuzzi, or Spa This test kit detects a wide range of coliform and non-coliform bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Shigella, and more. If you're going to test your water, you need to make sure you're using a test that's 1. Accurate, Without False Positives or Negatives and 2. Sensitive Enough to Catch the Lowest Levels of Harmful Bacteria. At AquaScreen we make simple, accurate, sensitive tests for any at-home user. Other bacteria tests can take over 2 full days to complete, ours takes 15 minutes. You don't need any technical expertise. Just follow a few simple steps, compare the color on your test strips to our guide, and you've got your results. Never swim in bacteria. We were inspired to test swimming water because the quality of pool water has been shown to cause nearly 20 disease outbreaks every year. According to multiple studies, contact with contaminated water has been linked to health effects like gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders. Don't risk it and let your kids jump into bacteria-filled water - AquaScreen regularly! 2-Pack Includes One Pouch, & 10-Pack Includes Five Pouches Each Pouch Includes: Two Bacteria Test Vials Two Bacterial Test Strips Two Water Droppers Our kits detect coliform and non-coliform bacteria. AquaScreen is here for anything you need, if you need help with your test or interpreting the results, just let us know.

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