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Jelly Decorating Tools - 3D Gelatin Jelly Cake Art Tools Set with Syringe Pudding Pastry Nozzles Stainless Steel Needles Tips Baking Pastry
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Jelly Decorating Tools - 3D Gelatin Jelly Cake Art Tools Set with Syringe Pudding Pastry Nozzles Stainless Steel Needles Tips Baking Pastry

Product ID: 231183947
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Surprise your family and friends by making your own 3D Jelly Cake in a special occasion such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms and so much more and create special memories that lasts a lifetime. Your party should be different and fun by creating a really unique, beautiful and yummy gelatin cake using Gelatin Art Tools collection. 3D Jelly Art tool has 20 different designs each set and are specially designed to allow you to create many different shapes effortlessly. Simply insert the tool into gelatin and inject the color base. Every tool has own design, so you can make the same 3D flowers petals with different angle. You can design any flower by using different tools. The petals and leaves will maintain the shape of the tool. Combine different shapes and sizes to create new, imaginative flowers. The needle is attached strategically at the base of the shape allowing you to bend and twist the tool to create a desired shape without breaking the tool. Though it will take some time and practice to get a perfect layering but by using clear gelatin you can experiment easily. HOW TO CREATE THAT PERFECTLY UNIQUE 3D JELLY GELATIN CAKE *Use a sharp-tip needle to make the pistil. *Create the first layer by choosing a small 3D gelatin tool. *Create the second layer by choosing a larger 3D gelatin tool. *Repeat the above steps until you have as many layers as you desire. *Inject green gelatin into the petals. *Inject a coloring of your choice for the flower petal.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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